Almost all of our lives have been overturned this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. When schools and daycare are closed, we noticed that the challenges for parents especially working mothers increases as they need to tend to their children and also expected to perform as per usual at their work. It is definitely a challenge when we don't see any end to the Covid-19 pandemic for the foreseeable future. Looking at this, we at PeopleHive are taking this initiative to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted working mothers and how organisations are able to provide meaningful support. Plus, we are also working mothers and working parents ourselves too!
Our intent of this survey is to:-
1. Increase awareness of the challenges faced by working mothers during the Covid-19 pandemic.
2. Help find solutions for organisations and working mothers during this challenging and difficult period. #kitajagakita
If you are a working mom, or know anyone who is a working mom, please share this survey. Your answers will help raise awareness to organisations and the public to understand how exactly are working mothers being impacted. This enables us to find solutions in relevant areas to help working mothers. We want to do this initiative as we are also working mothers/parents going through this tough period.
Here is the link for the survey.
